A Compact Powerhouse for Modern Studios


Audient presents the ASP4816-HE, the Heritage Edition of its acclaimed in-line, fully analog recording and mixing console. Designed by David Dearden, this compact yet feature-rich console is the perfect centerpiece for any production studio, offering the sound and functionality of a large-format console in a space-friendly footprint.

What Makes the ASP4816-HE Special?

The ASP4816-HE is not just a scaled-down version of a large console; it's a meticulously designed piece of engineering that brings vintage mix bus processing, John Hardy Op Amps, and powerful new additions to the mix bus compressor, all while maintaining a small footprint.

Key Features

Audient Console Mic Pres

  • 16 Discrete Hybrid Class-A Preamps: Designed for ultra-low noise and low distortion, these preamps can handle any source with ease.
  • Flexible Topology: Offering up to 60dB of gain and an incredibly wide bandwidth, ensuring your transient detail is preserved.

VCA Bus Compressor

  • Adjustable Ratio Control: Adds weight, depth, and warmth to your mix.
  • Sidechained High Pass Filter: Allows you to add punch without compromising the low end.

Vintage Mix Bus Processing

  • John Hardy 990 Discrete Transistor Amplifiers: Increases dynamics, sweet spot, and punch, while reducing noise.

4-Band Audient EQ

  • Fully Parametric Bands: Offers massive flexibility for shaping your sound.
  • Splittable EQ: Can be used on both mic inputs and DAW returns simultaneously.


  • 48 Channels: Over 40 insert points, 8 sends, and 8 groups available on mixdown.

Monitoring Control

  • Fully Featured Monitor Control Section: Offers full artist communication, foot-switch enabled talkback control, and more.

Workflow and Flexibility

The ASP4816-HE offers an astounding amount of routing options for creative bouncing, summing, and parallel processing, all without the phase and latency issues that digital systems can have. Its in-line architecture allows you to start building your mix as you're tracking, making the workflow fast, intuitive, and fun.

Additional Perks

  • 3-Year Limited Warranty: For peace of mind.
  • Low Power Consumption: Plugs directly into the mains, making it one of the most efficient and quiet small-format consoles.
  • Free Software Bundle: Includes Cubase LE and Cubasis LE for iOS, along with industry-leading plugins and virtual instruments.


Interested in making the ASP4816-HE the centerpiece of your studio? Drop us a line to discuss commissioning one of these state-of-the-art consoles. We're here to help you elevate your sound to the next level.

The ASP4816-HE is a game-changer for studios looking for big sound in a small footprint. With its vintage charm, modern features, and compact design, it's the ideal analog console for today's production environments.