Eventide Sheen Machine: Eventide's Latest Tool for Crisp Highs
Eventide's have just announced Sheen Machine. Powered by their Structural Split™ technology, it's designed to add a crisp, airy quality to any audio signal without the harshness often associated with high-frequency enhancement.
The Sheen Machine stands out with its ability to separate transient and tonal components of audio. This means you can add a shimmering high-end to vocals or instruments without the unwanted sibilance that typically comes with high-shelf EQ boosts.
The beauty of Sheen Machine lies in its simplicity. With just one knob, you can easily add a radiant, airy quality to your tracks. This makes it an ideal tool for both seasoned professionals and those new to audio editing.
In summary, Eventide's Sheen Machine offers a unique and simple solution for achieving perfect high-end sheen in various audio applications, making it a valuable addition to any audio toolkit.