The FET Limiting Amplifier You've Been Waiting For


Black Lion has been a name synonymous with quality and innovation in the world of audio engineering. Their FET limiting amplifier, known as "Bluey," has been a staple in studios around the globe. Now, in 2023, Black Lion is bringing this iconic piece of gear into the 500-Series modular market. Say hello to the Bluey For 500-Series!

What Makes Bluey Special?

The original Bluey is renowned for its unique character and ability to add warmth and depth to any audio signal. Its FET-based design offers a distinct sonic signature that has made it a go-to choice for producers and engineers alike. With the 500-Series version, you can now integrate this legendary sound into your modular setup.


The Bluey For 500-Series retains all the features that made the original a classic, including its FET-based circuitry, transparent operation, and versatile controls. It's designed to fit seamlessly into any 500-Series rack, offering the same level of performance and reliability that Black Lion users have come to expect.

Why Go Modular?

The 500-Series format has become increasingly popular for its flexibility and convenience. With the Bluey For 500-Series, you can easily swap it in and out of your rack depending on your project's needs. This modular approach allows you to customize your signal chain like never before.


Whether you're tracking vocals, compressing drums, or simply looking to add some character to your mix, the Bluey For 500-Series is up to the task. Its versatile design makes it suitable for a wide range of applications, from studio recording to live sound.


The Bluey For 500-Series is a welcome addition to Black Lion's already impressive lineup. It offers the same legendary sound in a more flexible, modular format. If you're a fan of the original Bluey or new to the Black Lion family, this is one piece of gear you won't want to miss out on.